HTA Landscape team’s success at the Planning Awards 2023

13 Jun 2023

Dagenham Green has won Planning Permission of the Year & was Highly Commended for Best Use of Brownfield in Placemaking 

HTA’s Landscape team worked closely with Peabody, PRP and Savills to design a new biodiverse neighbourhood with over 10 acres of public realm that celebrates the rich local cultural heritage and brings nature back to the post-industrial site. Dagenham Green will transform the former Ford Stamping Works site into a sustainable mixed-use neighbourhood that meets residents needs for a healthier lifestyle within a 15min walk. The masterplan places landscape at the heart of the development, with a new 5-acre Urban Park providing a ‘natural meeting point’ for people to reconnect with nature, exercise,

Grahame Park has won Regeneration of the Year 

Grahame Park Estate is Developed by Notting Hill Genesis in partnership with Barnet Council. The Estate regeneration masterplan provides 2,088 new homes, a new community centre, nursery, shops, cafes, and restaurants, as well as flexible workspace for local businesses. The proposals also include a new high street that connects the area to surrounding neighbourhoods, with infrastructure improvements to encourage sustainable modes of travel, punctuated by green spaces.

Huge congratulations to the Landscape team!