Bringing Nature Home – South Quay Plaza Public Realm

28 Mar 2022

HTA have been Bringing Nature Home for 20 years!

To celebrate the HTA Landscape team’s 20th birthday we will be sharing some of our favourite projects from the last 20 years and exploring the role that landscape design plays in enhancing biodiversity in cities, what parks of the future might look like, and how bringing people and nature together take centre-stage in our work.

HTA Design were appointed by @berkeley_group for the design and delivery of public realm for South Quay Plaza in the Isle of Dogs.

A core intention for South Quay Plaza’s landscape design was to encourage healthy lifestyles for residents of the new buildings, which has been achieved through accessible walking and cycling routes. Air pollution is reduced by pedestrianising the area and introducing over 320 trees to the site.
The new public park is a community facility that provides much needed spaces for people to meet, areas for outdoor exercise, play, dining spaces, open lawns and attractive seating spots.

The landscaping provides 2500m2 of natural play equipment for children aged 0-15 which will build on feelings of safety and community to residents. Strategic seasonal planting has increased biodiversity net gain by 500% and offers attractive wildflower beds, trees and foliage across the park and public realm.

The design opens walking and cycling connections and provides high levels of walkability to the wider area responding to diagonal desire lines connecting the water’s edge to South Quay Station and Marsh Wall. The majority of the park sits atop a two-storey basement that houses servicing and parking.