Inspiring Women of Battersea

10 Jun 2024

As part of the Wandsworth Arts Festival 2024, HTA has designed a commemorative window display honouring twelve trailblazing women of Battersea.

Working with historian Jeanne Rathbone of the Battersea Society and the Winstanley & York Road regeneration team, the project showcases women who made a lasting impact locally, nationally, and globally.

Through bold graphic design and striking imagery, the artworks highlight the stories of Evelyn Dove, Emily Duval, Marie Spartali, and others, weaving together a rich tapestry of historical significance and cultural relevance.

This initiative is part of a broader effort to recognise the contributions of influential women in Wandsworth, which includes installing commemorative plaques and naming new residential buildings after notable local women.

The project has been met with great enthusiasm by the client and residents.