NLQ Food Special

26 Nov 2023

HTA staff enjoying some light reading over lunch (not served up by the Partners as the latest issue of NLQ might lead you to believe).

It’s great to see @davidntaylor’s write up in NLQ after visiting 75 Wallis Road and talking to our Partners and Associate Partners about some of HTA’s projects, wellbeing activities and, most importantly, our enduring tradition of serving up lunch to the team every day.

We believe that providing lunch gives our team time to relax and get to know each other over exciting and nutritious meals which help fuel them up for the day. Someone who’s been part of this daily ritual for over 30 years is our Chef Jane, who is leaving HTA to pursue her art career. A huge thank you to Jane for keeping us fed for 3 decades; you’re leaving us in good hands with Sue and Zarah!

You can check out some of our recipes over at @htalunch