Planning Permission Granted for Bellamy Close & Byng Street

21 Jul 2022

Working closely with Mount Anvil and One Housing, HTA’s proposals through extensive community consultation will provide a 202-unit scheme, of which 50% will be affordable tenure.

The site is currently occupied by 24 rented homes. Existing residents have heavily engaged in the design’s development from the outset and supported regeneration on the site in 2019 through a ballot in which 84% voted in favour, with a 100% turnout.

Revisions were made to our previous consented scheme to create more new, affordable homes in addition to accommodation for existing residents and quality public realm for all residents to benefit from.

The layout comprises a 31-storey tower nestled between 12 new houses along the site’s southern edge and two retained London Plane trees to the north. A biodiverse and tree lined pedestrian passageway between Byng St. and Manilla St. will provide incidental play, maintain a key route for the local community and form a wider link towards the South Quay Walk.

The building design marries the low scale of residential architecture historically found in the Isle of Dogs with the high density living of South Quay. The proposals present a fresh urban-density typology designed to activate the immediate streetscape whilst also being sensitive to the wider townscape.

Work on the newly approved homes, is expected to begin in late 2022 / early 2023, with the first completions due in 2025.

The new scheme will be air quality neutral, provide a biodiversity net gain, and a 40% reduction in carbon emission on site with the remainder of contributions made financially to the local authority.

Colin Ainger, Partner at HTA Design, said: “Our proposals for Bellamy Close and Byng Street are the result of extensive community consultation, including a successful tenant ballot with a 100% turnout. Our updated proposals demonstrate how innovative design can utilise space efficiently in a constrained site, leading to an increased provision of affordable homes in a scheme that complements the surrounding areas. We are delighted that the local authority has recognised this by granting planning permission for the scheme and look forward to delivering a fantastic new place for current and new residents alike.”