
The First Development Site consist of a rich mix of typologies form, including terraced houses, mansion blocks, tall buildings and an Extra Care facility.

Overall, the First Development Site provides a balance of affordable housing for Southwark Council residents, many of whom reside across the wider estate, and private sale opportunities.

Aylesbury Estate Regeneration
Aylesbury Estate Regeneration Plan
Aylesbury Estate Regeneration Park
Aylesbury Estate Regeneration Houses

Every opportunity has been taken to establish active frontage to the street. Shared lobbies provide views through the buildings to the raised courtyard gardens.

Additionally, maisonettes have been designed with front doors and defensible space at street level, framed by a strong brick surround to give them their own distinct identity within the overall development.

Aylesbury Estate Regeneration
Aylesbury Estate Regeneration

Masterplanning & Urban Design

How will the completion of the Aylesbury First Development Site contribute to the overall regeneration of the Estate?

The Aylesbury First Development Site delivers 902 homes as part of the first phase of the wider Estate Regeneration. The homes are delivered across three stages and comprise six development parcels. These include three perimeter blocks with high-rise buildings ranging from 14 to 26 storeys that will form a new frontage onto Burgess Park.

To the north of the site, the massing is reduced with terraced streets merging into the existing context of Walworth. Pocket parks and tree-lined streets connect the blocks whilst roof terraces, balconies, and courtyard gardens provide landscaped amenity spaces for all residents. The first phase delivers a range of building typologies, including terraced houses, mansion buildings, and an extra care facility.

The second phase will deliver mansion blocks and high-rise residential buildings that form a new urban park frontage to the north of Burgess Park. Both phases provide 100% affordable housing for Southwark Council Residents, many of whom reside across the wider Estate.

The third phase, currently on site, will provide mixed-tenure homes. It will complete the FDS and deliver additional terraced houses and maisonettes. In addition, mansion blocks and the tallest of the three towers are also to be completed on site

Landscape Design

What specific design features were incorporated to promote community well-being within the public realm elements?

The landscape at Aylesbury Estate sets out a series of connected neighbourhoods around a network of open spaces, with green links to the recently enhanced Burgess Park. HTA Landscape team designed integrated pocket parks throughout the masterplan, which offer a range of planting, play space and seating areas. In addition, the First Development Site sees the delivery of two key pieces of the new public realm, Westmoreland Park and Westmoreland Square. Westmoreland Park provides play for 5–11-year-olds within proximity of their homes whilst Westmoreland Square offers an opportunity to pause and rest.

The new public realm elements are not just additions to the landscape, but they also bring significant benefits to the community. The system of new green streets with retained trees, along with a substantial number of new trees, enhances the aesthetic appeal of the area and contributes to a healthier environment. The communal resident gardens provide more secluded recreational spaces, promoting a sense of community and well-being among the residents.

Aylesbury Estate Regeneration